Going Offline With Maven

7 minute read

The Challenge

I recently ran into an interesting challenge. My company maintains suites of automated API tests in a Maven project, which we run using JUnit. We’ve been considering modernizing our Continuous Integration (CI) implementation and noticed that modern CI systems now commonly use Docker containers to implement their steps.

As I considered how I would containerize our API test suites, I made the decision that I didn’t want to abandon the functionality that Maven provides. The Surefire Plugin, as one example, provides the framework of our entire test suite execution. Our tests, developed over the course of a few years, made assumptions that this would be their execution environment, and we use the test suite reporting, flow control, and test selection functionality that’s part of the plugin. We also rely on the parallel execution it supports. I didn’t want to replace any of that functionality…instead, I wanted this all to happen quickly and easily in a Docker container.

As I began to build a container with our build, another use case presented itself to me: Our platform runs both in a public cloud environment and in on-premise installations. Some of our test suites are useful for validating successfully-installed software on-prem, and it would be great to be able to run this in those contexts. I realized two problems with Maven’s practice of assuming a connected environment when it executes:

  • By default, my container downloads all of its dependencies each time it executes. This wastes time and bandwidth. When this container is used in an on-prem context, I would like to avoid the need for it to contact my private artifact repository to download dependencies at all.
  • Depending on how dependency versions are specified (or not specified) in the POM for this project, it’s possible a dependency could change between the time of building my container and its execution.

I decided it would be better to pre-package any needed dependencies inside the container so that each image is complete and doesn’t have any external dependencies (other than the services it tests). Additionally, I was able to speed up the execution of this container from about 3 minutes on my laptop down to 12 seconds.

Maven’s Offline Mode

Maven’s dependency plugin has an offline mode that I thought would be sufficient for making this happen. To use it, you use the following goal:

$ mvn dependency:go-offline

When this happens, the dependency plugin resolves all of the dependencies in your local pom.xml file, downloads the needed artifacts, and stores them in your local repository. I added this command as a RUN step in my Dockerfile so that the container image would include all of the dependencies needed. This way, I would be able to run a Maven build which triggers the Surefire tests, but not have it download all of the dependencies.

What wasn’t initially clear for me after reading the dependency plugin’s documentation was that the dependency:go-offline goal isn’t completely sufficient to operate completely offline. Some Maven functionality requires dependencies, even if you don’t have them specified in your POM. One example of this is a dependency named maven-profile that, for me, wasn’t downloaded with the dependency:go-offline goal.

There were several of these missing dependencies, and I experimented with explicitly adding these dependencies into my POM. This wasn’t ideal, because these are normally managed internally by Maven, and I didn’t want to burden this project with these extra dependencies.

The Recipe

Maven Build

I used docker-maven-plugin to allow me to create the container image from my Maven build. The relevant section of the POM looks as follows:






This configures docker-maven-plugin to build the image whenever the package phase is run. And when the install phase runs, the image is pushed to the repository configured in the properties. Finally, the contextDir configuration attribute is set here specifically to allow us to include files from the source tree to be included in the resulting image. By default, contextDir is set to the directory containing the Dockerfile, and the plugin prohibits the inclusion of files outside that directory. The properties used include the following:

  • docker.push.registry controls the Docker registry to which the image is pushed. You will likely need to docker login to this registry for the push to work.
  • docker-maven-plugin.version controls the version of docker-maven-plugin to use.
  • docker.image.prefix controls the prefix associated with the image in the repository. At my company, it’s common practice to prefix all of our images with our company name.
  • docker.image.name controls the name of the image. I’ve just set it to the project’s artifact ID.

For the tags assigned to the built image, I’ve just tagged the image with latest with each build, but you could do something better like including the artifact version.

Finally, in order to get my complete test execution working, I needed to add one dependency for the surefire-junit47 artifact to the POM. I’ll explain why below as I describe the Dockerfile and how the container is built.

Maven Settings

I include a settings.xml file in my repository which contains the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.1.0.xsd" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0"







This file contains a limited set of credentials for the private repo that has a few internal dependencies, and also specifies the location of the local repository, /root/.m2/repository, within my container. In this case, I can accept that individuals with access to this container will have the same level of read-only access to the repo associated with these credentials.


An example Dockerfile appears below:

FROM maven:3-jdk-11

COPY pom.xml .
COPY src /src/
COPY target /target/

RUN mvn -B -s src/main/resources/settings.xml install -DskipTests

ENTRYPOINT mvn -B -s src/main/resources/settings.xml -o surefire:test

This builds an image that is based on the official Maven image. I haven’t bothered locking to a specific version, but you might find that appropriate. The COPY steps add the POM and the src and target directories to the container image. In my case, this includes the settings.xml I described above.

The RUN step invokes Maven and goes all the way through the install phase, skipping the execution of the tests. I chose to use this approach rather than manage a larger list of dependencies, some of which include ‘hidden’ plugins or artifacts with which a developer wouldn’t normally concern themselves. This approach does unnecessarily compile the project, however, it greatly simplified the dependency management. Since this step happens only at container build time, the extra work is not a problem.

The additional dependency I mentioned earlier, surefire-junit47 is one of the hidden dependencies that would be transparently downloaded and installed in the local Maven repository if I actually executed tests during the container build. However, I had a strong preference not to execute these tests, because they’re not tests of the test suite itself, but tests of APIs in our platform. I was willing to manage the one additional dependency to avoid running these tests while building the container.

Finally, the ENTRYPOINT step triggers the execution of Maven when this container is run. The -o command-line flag instructs Maven to run the build in offline mode, relying on the local repository, which, in this case, lives in /root/.m2/repository. The preceding RUN step insures that the local repository has everything needed to complete the test cycle without downloading any additional artifacts. The -B flag on the Maven command line tells Maven that you’re running the command in batch mode, and switches off Maven’s beautiful colorized output.


You could then run your container with the following command:

$ docker run mycompany/my-test-suite -PmyTestProfile

Our test suite uses a Maven profile to select the tests to run and the environment to run them against. Using an ENTRYPOINT step in your Dockerfile will cause any additional arguments you provide on the command line to be appended to the command line specified in the ENTRYPOINT step.


I hope this recipe comes in handy for you. I found it relatively easy to get this project built into a container that can run quickly and execute my company’s test suite. For me, Maven has always felt like a ‘heavy’ tool, in large part because of the pattern of validating and downloading dependencies at runtime. Most of the time, that behavior is beneficial. However, for this use case, I was pleasantly surprised at how easily I could disconnect it from repository and dependency hell, and get it to do something very useful.
