Serverless Is So Easy

less than 1 minute read

There’s a service-based offering for almost every type of technology I can think of. Recently, I re-evaluated my traditionally-hosted personal domains. I’d been paying for a t2.micro for several years. Keeping that server patched was a drag, and I sometimes neglected it. I took inventory and realized that all of the things I was hosting and supporting myself on my EC2 instance were available free or nearly free via widely-known service providers. Here’s what I found:

  • Forwarding email inboxes to private addresses
  • Storage of approximately 20,000 photos
  • Hosting of some static web content

Transferring my domains from GoDaddy to Google domains made the first item incredibly simple. Amazon gives Prime subscribers unlimited cloud storage of photos. And GitHub Pages can host static web content for me just fine.

Yes, yes I know this isn’t serverless compute, but on the theme of accomplishing what you want at a minimum of effort and cost, it feels like all of these transitions have made life easier.
